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joi, 13 martie 2025
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🇬🇪 Georgia


Georgia: Continuă protestele împotriva legii ”agenților străini”

Protestele de stradă continuă la Tbilisi și în mai multe alte orașe din Georgia, după ce Parlamentul a aprobat saptamana trecuta în a doua...

Seful contraspionajului polonez: „Moscova este pregatita sa invadeze parti din Estonia si Suedia pentru a testa reactia Occidentului”

Vladimir Putin este pregatit sa lanseze o invazie asupora unor tari NATO si sa anexeze parti din Estonia si Suedia pentru a testa Occidentul,...

Klaus Iohannis, primit la Casa Albă de președintele Joe Biden. Convorbiri în Biroul Oval

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis se află, în perioada 7-8 mai 2024, într-o vizită de lucru la Washington. A fost primit, marți, la Casa Albă, de...

Social Media Marketing for Franchises is Meant for Women

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was...

Customer Engagement Marketing: A New Strategy for the Economy

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was...

Entrepreneurial Advertising: The Future Of Marketing

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was...

Mobile Marketing is Said to Be the Future of E-Commerce

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was...

How Nancy Reagan Gave Glamour and Class to the White House

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was...

Mark Steinberg Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was...

The Definitive Guide To Marketing Your Business On Instagram

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was...

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